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Invitation to special Wellness Meeting on healing from intergenerational trauma

Dear friends and community members,

The Amah Mutsun Tribal Band would like to invite you to join them to witness a special Wellness Meeting, which will take place on October 3rd from 10am-3pm via Zoom. This meeting will be different from the Tribal Wellness Meetings they have held for their members over the past 12 years, because this meeting will include non-tribal members as listeners. 

The intention for this meeting is to deepen a community understanding of the impacts of the trauma associated with colonization. They will share Tribal history and key insights into what they have learned about what is required for both Indigenous peoples and non-Indigenous peoples to heal.

The soul wounds of colonization and genocide affect all people involved, not only Indigenous communities. Maria Yellow Horse Brave Heart, who spoke at our first Amah Mutsun Speaker Series event focused on tribal wellness 12 years ago, described that “Historical trauma has a layering effect and is the cumulative emotional and psychological wounding over the life span and across generations, emanating from massive group trauma.”

Healing begins with telling the truth and allowing people to tell their stories. This is an open invitation to anyone living on Mutsun or Awaswas territory (in San Mateo, Santa Cruz, Monterey or Santa Clara County) and any others who are interested in working with our tribe toward healing and building healthy relationships. Please join us if you are ready to listen with your heart and commit yourself to healing, listening, and stepping into responsibility to create change.

To register for the event please visit:
We are asking participants to join for the full duration of the meeting if possible. 

If you have questions, you may contact us by email at sireesum (With our heart),

Valentin Lopez, Chair

Amah Mutsun Tribal Band

Basic meeting schedule

10am-11:45pm: Opening prayer, Introductions and overview, Mutsun history presentation
11:45am-12:15pm: Lunch break
12:15pm-1:30pm: Tribal members speak
1:30-2pm: Special guests speak
2pm-2:45pm: Q&A / discussion2:45-3pm: Closing

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